
Kickboxing is one of the most popular styles of Martial Arts combining self-defence, aerobic workout, flexibility, co-ordination and speed. Whether you're looking for a new challenge or hobby, to just get fitter in a new way, or launching into a new lifestyle change this could be the sport for you. Just try it, you won't be disappointed!

Kickboxing (in Japanese Kikkubokushingu) is a combination of stand-up combat sports based on kicking and punching, historically developed from Karate, Muay Thai and Western Boxing. It is practiced as a contact sport, consisting of technical executions and semi contact or ‘light continuous’ sparring for the purpose of scoring points - with an emphasis on delivery, speed, and technique. Under such rules, gradings and fights are conducted presenting belts to classify the fighters in order of experience and ability.

Each class involve a light warm up, stretching, padwork working punch & kick combinations, syllabus techniques & semi contact sparring. Every student is working towards their Black Belt (or more Dans!) should they choose that path, so a strong emphasis always remains on technique. Our style of kickboxing has a 9 belt grading system, which involves rounds of light continuous sparring. Full protective equipment is worn at all times when sparring.

So whether you’re looking for a great way to fit, to begin your path as a martial artist, or just begin a new competitive challenge,  you can step onto our mats & begin your journey.

 Our classes are generally split into three groups according to age;

Junior 5 – 11yrs

Teen 11 – 16yrs

Senior (Adult) 17yrs+.

Our objective for all age groups is to create stronger, fitter, more confident (thus happier) students, & help them develop better self-discipline whilst feeling a sense of personal achievement & increased respect for themselves, & others.

For more info on Juniors click here!

For more info on Teens click here!

"As you think, so you will become" Bruce Lee